segunda-feira, fevereiro 12, 2007
sim, não, talvez
![]() Após ter sido informado de que nós, os estranjas, não teríamos direito a fazer uma cruz no papel durante o dia de ontem como todos os nossos compatriotas, tive de aceitar os factos e deixar que o resto da malta se encarregasse de fazer a cruz no quadrado correcto. E parece que sim, a maioria fez... Não espera, a maioria não fez nada.. que feitas as contas dá em qualquer coisa como mais de quatro milhões de eleitores não mexeram o real cú para fazer a difícil tarefa de rabiscar uma cruzinha. Uma verdadeira vergonha. Há 8 anos foi a mesma história. Dessa vez estava sol e foi tudo pra praia. Desta estava de chuva e deve ter ido tudo pro shopping.. Acho que já ninguém quer saber disto... a nossa tarefa é fazer barulho, queixar-mo-nos dos políticos, mas decidir.. isso é que já não.. que decidam os outros. É assim mesmo! Também engraçado é facto de que isto de referendar é tipo, insistir até que a resposta que nós queremos ouvir seja aprovada. Se desta vez tivesse ganho o Não, esperávamos aí uns.. 8 anos.. e referendávamos novamente.. Conversas tristes à parte, vamos ao que interessa! O sim ganhou e a partir de agora há igualdade. A partir de agora todas as mulheres, e não apenas as ricas, poderão abortar em condições de higiene e segurança, até às 10 semanas de gravidez. | ![]() [i apologize by the bad english translation, but i don't have the time to make it, so an automatic translator does it for me and not always gets it right...] yes, no, maybe After to have been informed that we, the emigrants, would not have the right to make a X during the yesterday as all our compatriots, I had to accept the facts and let the remaining of us to put the cross in the right square. And it seems that they did it, or the majority made it... No wait... the majority did not make anything. That's because after the counts it gives something like more than four million electors did not move their Real ass to make the difficult task of putting a X in a paper. A real shame. But 8 years ago was same story. By then it was because it was sun and everyone went to the beach. This time was raining and probably everyone went the shopping mall. I find that nobody wants to know anything about of this anymore... our task is to racket, to complain about the politicians, but to decide... well.. that's too much... just let the other to decide. That's the right way! Also funny it is fact that this thing of referendum is like, to insist until the reply that we want to have is approved. If this time "No" would have won, we would wait.. let's say, another 8 years.. and then we would have a new referendum. But sad colloquies aside, we got what was needed! Yes won and from now on it is equal. From now on all the women, and not only the rich ones, will be able to abort in conditions of hygiene and security, until the 10 weeks of pregnancy. |
Etiquetas: opiniões
3 comentários:
LSDee, Às 1:37 da tarde

thanks correct.. the law says that if the majority (being that half + 1 voters) does not vote, as it happened, then it does not have enough "strength" to be approved as a law (there's probably an english word to say this..).
Anyway, our politicians have consensually accepted to approve the law even though the majority didn't vote. So, it will become true in a very near future.
Anyway, our politicians have consensually accepted to approve the law even though the majority didn't vote. So, it will become true in a very near future.
"O sim ganhou e a partir de agora há igualdade"
lindo... Fernando Pessoa... roi-te de inveja...
lindo... Fernando Pessoa... roi-te de inveja...
I still hope this non-bonding will change...