quinta-feira, outubro 04, 2007
bjartur of summerhouses

Ten million men and a half, I see,
Were slaughtered in fun in that maniacs' spree.
By now they're probably all in hell,
But I mourn them not. God-speed. Farewell.
There was, however, another war,
Waged near a rock in the blind days of yore,
And that was fought over one sweet flower
That was torn away in disastrous hour.
And that's why I'm lately so moody grown
And pride myself little on what I own.
For what are riches and houses and power,
If in that house blooms no lovely flower?
Etiquetas: off
3 comentários:
Ui! Que é isto? Vais começar a sitar Nobel Prizes para dar um ar mais intelectual ao teu blog?
Lilly's mind, Às 11:28 da manhã

Quando a habilidade não é muito, tem de se pedir ajuda a quem sabe! Naa.. apenas uma parte que gostei no livro que estou a ler. Conheces ou o sr. Google disse-te?